
Portland-Based Charcuterie Me was born out of a passion for the charcuterie experience .

"Food has always been at the center of my family gatherings. My fondest memories revolve around sharing laughs and stories with family around the dinner table. I wanted to recreate that feeling through Charcuterie Me by bringing people together through the crowd-pleasing board of meat, cheese and accompaniments. We take the guesswork out of preparation, and allow you freedom to enjoy the moment."

A self-proclaimed charcuterie enthusiast, the idea for Charcuterie Me came to Nai in 2019, as she was waiting for her order of a charcuterie board at one of her favorite local restaurants: "I wonder who else is craving for something like this?"

Fast forward to April 2020: Portland had shut down and it became "no-contact" everything. At that moment, Nai knew the timing was right to officially launch Charcuterie Me. Selling one box at a time through social media, the company began to take off via word of mouth. Charcuterie Me's first break was a small business segment that premiered on KPTV's More Good Day Oregon last November. One year later, Nai took the biggest risk of her life and left her full-time job to focus on growing Charcuterie Me. To date, Nai has created more than 2,000 charcuterie boxes and cones!

From now until November 28, you can use code "YOUTHVENTUREPODCAST" to receive 15% off your first box!

Check out Charcuterie Me...

Website: Charcuterie Me

Instagram: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐞 (

Facebook: Charcuterie Me | Facebook

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