We started this nonprofit with one clear vision - to use our voice to bring awareness to the wonderful stories of the local BIPOC-owned businesses flourishing in our community.


During these trying times, our team of youth wanted to help our community, specifically the BIPOC community, which has been disproportionately affected by the pandemic. People are unsure how to navigate through the pandemic, and as such, we noticed it was negatively affecting so many businesses and families. So, we started a weekly podcast, PDX Business Spotlight, which spotlights BIPOC-owned small businesses in the Portland/Beaverton area. Due to the detrimental effects of the pandemic, businesses all over have been impacted in so many ways. While some have been struck with a loss in sales, others have been forced to close their doors, and some have been forced to move to a new virtual platform. In our podcast, our youth team members interview local business owners of color, and share their story and struggles with the public, in an attempt to boost their sales and support them. We strongly encourage you to listen to our podcast and consider buying from local businesses and supporting them in any way possible. If you know a BIPOC-owned small business that would be interested in being interviewed, please contact us! We also heard stories of how children were not receiving proper education when schools were closed, and online classes were not readily available. These students deserve to have their education, so we hosted virtual workshops for elementary school children, whose education has been impacted the most by this pandemic. After noticing these students weren't able to receive much instruction online, we wanted to help tutor them in various essential areas we have excelled in (like math, vocabulary, creative writing, coding, and Spanish), in smaller group settings where each individual student can get more attention and help. Furthermore, we partnered with Self Enhancement, which is a foundation that helps underserved African American youth reach their full potential. We will be donating all of our funds, in the form of school supplies, food, and money towards underprivileged African American students, so they are able to overcome all obstacles and excel. We want to encourage all interested students to sign up for the offered workshops and 100% of fees will be donated to Self Enhancement. Finally, we are accepting donations at this time to give even more to Self Enhancement and help underprivileged BIPOC families. Please consider donating, by going here!

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